Send a fax through

  1. Go to and login to the house account using 'sign in using google'
  2. At the top right near the profile icon, click on the 9-square menu then click FaxOut
  3. You will enter all the details of your fax in the small window that pops up
    1. To field: type the recipients fax number here or press the + button to search for a contact.
    2. Cover page: check the box next to Enable to turn the cover page option on or off.
    3. Cove page notes: Type your cover page message in this box.
    4. Attaching files: Click browse and navigate to the location of the file you want to attach.
    5. When you are ready to send your fax click Send Now. 

Send a fax through the RingCentral app on the desktop:

  1. Open the RingCentral app on the desktop and click sign in
  2. Click on Google and sign into the house Gmail account
  3. Along the right side of the app click Fax. Then in the top right corner click on the fax icon to start a new fax

4. You will enter all the details of your fax in the small window that pops up 

a. To field: Start typing the name of a contact or the recipient's fax number.

b. Cover page: Use the drop down menu to select a cover page design (or no cover page).

c. Notes: Type a massage to be included on your cover page.

d. Attach files: Click on the paper clip to navigate to the file you want to attach.

e. Send Now: Click send now when you are ready to send your fax.